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Transcepta to Optimize, Streamline Supplier Invoices

November 2, 2023

Campus colleagues,

The Division of Finance and Administration is preparing a major advancement in procurement and accounts payable operations that will bring increased efficiency, transparency, and collaboration to UC Merced’s supplier relationships. 

In May 2024, UC Merced will begin onboarding suppliers onto Transcepta, an online platform that streamlines invoice submittals to support consistent and timely invoice processing for the Accounts Payable, Tax and Payment Services team. 

What Transcepta Does for Suppliers 

  • Seamless Invoice Submission: Suppliers can submit invoices through the Transcepta portal, eliminating manual entry and paperwork. 
  • Real-Time Invoice Tracking: Suppliers gain immediate insight into the status of their invoices, reducing payment-related inquiries and delays. 
  • Error Mitigation: Transcepta's validation checks help suppliers identify and correct errors in their invoices, ensuring smooth processing. 
  • Faster Payments: The platform streamlines invoice approval workflows, expediting payment processing for our suppliers. 
  • Enhanced Communication: Suppliers can communicate directly through Transcepta, simplifying issue resolution and fostering collaboration. 

What Transcepta Does for UC Merced 

  • Efficient Invoice Processing: Transcepta automates invoice data capture and extraction, minimizing manual work and errors. 
  • Improved Accuracy: Advanced data validation and matching capabilities reduce invoice discrepancies and holds, resulting in increased timely and accurate payments. 
  • Real-Time Visibility: The platform provides real-time insight into the entire P2P process, enabling better decision-making and forecasting. 
  • Simplified Vendor Management: Centralized vendor data and communication tools simplify supplier management. 
  • Impact on Users: Users should not anticipate any disruptions when submitting invoices for payment processing.  

UC Merced will join several other UC campuses in using Transcepta for invoice processing. This project represents DFA’s commitment to strengthen supplier partnerships, enhance operational efficiency and elevate the procure-to-pay experience for all stakeholders. 

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