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Updated Guidance: Function 76, Function 80, & Agency Funds

The UC Merced Office of the Controller is issuing the following guidance related to recording financial transactions using Function 76, Function 80, and Agency Funds in the Oracle Financial System.

The UC Office of the President has clarified the use of Function 76, Function 80, and Agency Funds with system-wide Accounting Procedure updates. This updated guidance takes into consideration the Common Chart of Accounts (CCoA) and CFS file schemas that transmit UC Merced’s data from our local Oracle instance to the consolidated financial statements.

Optimized Fiscal and Research Administrator Workflows

Effective Friday July 14, updates will be implemented within Oracle and Concur to streamline approval workflow for Research Administrators (RA) and Fiscal approvers.   

Oracle Updates

Oracle approval workflow has been updated to note that only one approver will be required for each requisition.  In the case that an additional approver is required, the requestor may utilize the “overriding approver” field.  Specifically: 


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