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Escalation Process for Prior Year Request for Summer Salary Payment

Requests for Summer Salary Payment received on or after November 1st for the current calendar year or for prior calendar year(s) will need to be reviewed via the Summer Salary Escalation Process outlined below.


Summer Salary Payments are issued for May XX through August XX (Issued June through September) each calendar year.

To ensure timely and accurate payment, summer salary submissions must be received within UCM’s published Payroll processing deadlines. Submissions should be thoroughly reviewed for completeness and accuracy prior to submission to Payroll Services.

Roles and Responsibilities


  • Responsible for working with School representative to request Summer Salary Payments on time per the published deadlines on Payroll Services website.
  • Responsible for reviewing earning Statements every pay period to and ensure confirm that there are not any omissions, inaccuracies, underpayments, or overpayments. Anydiscrepancies in pay should be reported to School Representative for review immediately.

School Representative

  • Responsible for initiating the paperwork for the issuance of Summer Salary Payment within published deadlines for timely payment.
  • Complete a reconciliation of the Distribution of Payroll Expense Reports at least monthly to ensure accuracy and completeness of expected payroll expense. Please review forany inaccuracies and report any issues timely to the Payroll Services team via appropriate channels.
  • Summer Salary Payment Requests submission after November 1st of the calendar year requires the completion of an “Escalation Questionnaire for Prior Year Request for Summer Salary Payment” form. Please include substantiation of funding with appropriate signatures as required. Complete and attach Questionnaire to requests with substantiation of funding.


  • Responsible for the review of the Summer Salary Payment Request, ensuring its accuracy, completeness and adherence to APM policy requirements.

Payroll Services

  • Process the Summer Salary Payment requests received.
  • Review entry input against form submission for data entry errors.

Please note that summer payment requests received after November 1st of each calendar year are considered an exception to the standard processing schedules.

All exceptions to the standard processing schedules will require that the questionnaire is completed. The Controller’s Unit and/or VC CFO will use the responses therein to determine if payment should be issued as an Escalated Late Summer Payment request.

Escalation Questionnaire for Prior Year Request for Summer Salary Payment

Please explain why this request was not submitted within approved deadlines for Summer Salary Payment:
Please attach substantiating proof that funds were active and available for the time period for which you are requesting Late Summer Salary Payment.
Contract and Grant Accounting- CGA
In the case of Contract/Grant please include RA signature that they have reviewed and agree that issuance of Late Summer Salary Payment can be covered by the funding source and is compliant to any sponsors reporting needs.
Effort Reporting Compliance- (PPFM Review)
If Summer Salary Payment has already been certified for a prior reporting period, please provide faculty statement as to the rationale of discrepancy in any previously certified reports and how this new Summer Salary Payment will be recognized on an amended Effort Reporting for the time period.
RA Signature: ______________________________________ Date: _____________________
Faculty Statement:
Controller/VC CFO Response
☐Approved ☐ Decline