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Work Authorization Requirements

When new employees at UC Merced are hired and/or rehired, there are required documents/forms that must be completed, which are categorized as both University of California as well as federal forms.

These forms will be provided at your In-Take appointment for completion. DO NOT PRINT.

Details are available for these forms (as well as specific requirements for New Hires/Re-hires).


As a general reminder:

Departments are encouraged to consult with the International Students and Scholars Office OIA before committing to hiring an individual who is not a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. OIA is available to talk with the candidate (either in person, if the candidate is on campus, or by phone or email) to make sure the immigration status selected best suits the scholar’s immediate needs and plans

Federal Form I-9

Form I-9 is used to verify the identity and employment authorization of individuals hired for employment in the United States. It is important to know that failure to complete the I-9 may impact the timing of the new employee's first paycheck. Form Link: Federal Form I-9

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services provide information about the form and requirements online. Visit USCIS I9 Central .














Why do we complete the form I9?

Federal Statue:

The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA)

Pub. L. 99-603

Prohibits employers from knowingly hiring unauthorized aliens and hiring individuals without completing the employment eligibility verification process. This act led to creation of Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification. All employers must use Form I-9 for all employees hired on or after Nov. 6, 1986, who are working in the U.S. This act also established prohibitions against national origin and citizenship or immigration status discrimination with respect to hiring, firing and recruitment or referral for a fee.

USCIS Employer Handbook

Who is required to complete the Form I-9?

Some examples of individuals who need to complete the Form I-9 are:

•Staff Employees

•Work Study Students

•Teaching Assistants, Readers, GSR, Etc.

•Postdoctoral Scholars

•Academic Faculty

•Without Salary Appointment (WOS)




The UC State Oath of Allegiance

The UC State Oath of Allegiance (Oath section) is to be signed by UC Merced employees who are US citizens (only) on or before the date of their hire and they begin work.(Needs to be resigned at the time of rehire unless the original Oath was signed within the last 12 months.)

When must the Oath be signed: The Oath must be signed BEFORE the individual enters upon the duties of employment. Requires witness and therefore performed at In-Take appointment.

Why are we required to sign the Oath Form?


Calif. Constitution, Article XX, Section 3: Calif. Gov. Code Sec. 3102.

Who is not required to complete the Oath:

  • Foreign Nationals
  • Emeritus faculty members
  • Affiliates, Volunteers, and/or Contingent Workers (CWR)


The UC Patent Policy, and Patent Acknowledgement

The UC Patent Policy and Acknowledgement (Patent section) is to be signed by all UC Merced employees, Visiting Scholars and Visiting Student Researchers, and any Affiliates or Volunteers, or anyone who is conducting research at UC Merced - regardless of their position.

  • Needs to be resigned after a one (1) day break in service

When must the Patent be signed?

Requires witness and therefore performed at In-Take appointment.

Why do we require the Patent Form?




CANRA imposes an obligation to report child abuse or neglect on certain individuals and establishes procedures to report suspected child abuse or neglect or the suspected abuse of dependent adults and elders.

This applies to an employee who is considered a "mandated reporter" if their duties require:

  • Contact with children * on a regular basis; or
  • Direct contact and supervision of children; or
  • Supervision of other mandated reporters; or
  • Assumed full or intermittent responsibility for the care or custody of an elder or dependent adult

* This could include a student worker or intern under the age of 18.

Why do we complete the CANRA form?

See CANRA UC POLICY and website for details on CANRA legal requirements.

Who is not required to complete the CANRA form?

Those not defined as a mandated reporter as outlined in policy.

When must the CANRA be signed?

 At In-Take Appointment



The Compensatory Election Form

Non-exempt employees at UC Merced have the option to elect either compensatory time off or monetary payment for any overtime worked. Upon hire and annually in the month of June, employees have the opportunity to modify their election choice for the year.

*KM Represented employees can make updates two times during the year June and December. 

CTO Election Form