H-1B Visa Fees - Payments to US Department of Homeland Security
All requests to pay H-1B visa fees to the US Department of Homeland Security must be approved by the Office of International Affairs (OIA). Information regarding the process and the various fees charged can be found on the OIA website.
Documentation Requirements:
- A completed and approved Payment Request form. The Oracle Supplier Number is 11230
- Payment Request form should include the following payment instructions.
- FedEx Delivery Option – select Yes
- Delivery Type: Campus (2 business days) or Campus (3 business days). All checks are required to be delivered to Campus Cashiering.
- Select Yes or No if the payment request requires separate check payments
- Payment Request form should include the following payment instructions.
- Email approval from the Office of International Affairs that includes the payee's name and the amount to be paid must be attached to the payment request form.